It’s Not About You…
December 23, 2020Total Obedience
January 18, 2021Surrender
“saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”” Luke 22:42
We give glory to God for gifting us with life to enter into this new year.
With every new year comes the abundance of New Year resolutions, plans, goals, etc. As to the end results of these, only God knows how they end. I say this because many fall short with these resolutions even before the 1st quarter of the year ends.
The scripture we see above is Jesus Christ praying to His father before His crucifixion. He knew that He was about to face a difficult ordeal and he was troubled by it. He asked God to take it away if it was His will, but yet He also made it clear that “not My will, but Yours, be done”.
As we have entered this new year, why don’t we surrender our all, our plans, our goals, our good, our bad and our ugly to God’s will. No matter how painful it may be, no matter how joyous it may be, how challenging, how rewarding, how scary, and etc, why don’t we tell God that not our will but His will be done in our lives.
Maybe you are wondering, is it not good to make plans or resolutions? Of course it’s good to have goals and plans but are those God’s plans and goals for your life? Is that path you are venturing on God’s path for you? Let us be reminded that as believers everything that we do is to glorify the name of the Lord.
No matter how much we fail He still gets us up for other opportunities, no matter how broken and shattered we become, He still gathers all the pieces and puts us back together to be able to continue on.
I challenge you this new year if you have not done so before to go before the Lord and totally surrender your will to Him. Not just with your mouth but with your actions also. Tell Him your plans as Jesus did, but also tell Him that His will be done.
Jesus let God know that He was really not feeling what was about to happen to Him and for Him to take it away, however, He desired for the will of God to prevail in His life. It’s not easy and it’s not going to be easy, but it’s doable.
Anyone who says that it is easy is living a mediocre Christian life or is deceiving you. The sacrifices may be deep but the rewards will be deeper and long lasting. Take that leap of faith and just surrender it all.
Let it all go and trust that you are falling into the hands of God. The same God who created you, will never cause any harm to come to you. Take it week by week or day by day and track God’s faithfulness in your life.
In your surrender, His power will be made manifest in your life. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6:10
May the Lord protect us in this new year and equip us to face whatever is ahead of us. Jesus loves you and He’s coming soon.